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Our group is focused on design and synthesis of quantum materials with emergent properties: unconventional topological fermions (Kramers-Weyl, multi-degenerate) and spin textures (skyrmions), superconductivity and density waves, Kondo materials, complex structures with 2D transition metal dichalcogenides, and more. We employ solid state synthesis, vapor transport and flux crystal growth in hopes of discovering new compounds showing exceptional physics and potential for applications.


Latest News and Events

​Nov 2023: Congratulations to Emma Codianne to be one of the Rice nominees for the Goldwater Scholarship!
Sep 2023: Welcome to our new graduate student Rose Albu Mustaf!
Aug 2023: We are happy to have undergraduate students Kexin, Jonathan, and Raven to join the lab!
Jan 2023: We are happy to have undergraduate students lab Lavinia and Naija join the lab.
Nov 2022: Congratulations to Dr. Jaime Moya for defending his dissertation!
July 2022: Congratulations to Dr. Long Qian for defending his dissertation!
Aug 2022: Welcome to the new posdoctoral associate Dr. Onur Tosun
Aug 2022:The new graduate student Karthik Rao joined the group. Welcome!
JAn 2022:Welcome to undergraduate students joining our lab Emma and Megan.
Aug 2021:Welcome to our RET and REU researchers Aerielle and Aeryn.
Jun 2021:We welcome a new graduate student Kevin Allen.
Aug 2020: Welcome to undergraduate researchers Roberto, Noah, and Spencer, RET  researcher Daniel, and the new graduate student researcher Long!
Jun 2019:Congratulations to Jaime for his selection as an NSF Graduate Research Fellow! 
Apr 2019:Congratulations to Emilia for her election as a Fellow of the American Physical Society!​



Job Openings

Our group is constantly looking for enthusiastic students interested in condensed matter experiment. The general research focus is on strongly correlated electron systems, with particular emphasis on the discovery of novel materials. You will acquire valuable skills in crystal growth, thermodynamic and transport characterization, with opportunities for specialized training in neutron diffraction, muSR, high magnetic field measurements etc at national and international laboratories.
To apply: email Prof. Emilia Morosan.

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