News & Events

August 2022
Welcome to our new Posdoctoral Assosciate Onur Tosun.
August 2021
Welcome to our new graduate student Karthik Rao.
June 2021
A full lab this summer! Welcome to our RET and REU researchers Aerielle and Aeryn.
August 2020
We welcome our new graduate student Kevin Allen.
June 2019
We have a full lab this summer! Welcome to our undergraduate researchers Roberto, Noah, and Spencer, our RET researcher Daniel, and our new graduate student researcher Long!
April 2019
Congratulations to Jaime for his selection as an NSF Graduate Research Fellow!
September 2018
Congratulations to Emilia for her election as a Fellow of the American Physical Society!
April 2018
Kyle successfully advanced to PhD candidacy with a great qualifying exam! Way to go, Kyle!
March 2018
Congratulations to Alannah for her award from the Neutron Scattering Society of America for Outstanding Student Research!
September 2017
Our new postdoctoral researcher Alannah has joined us all the way from Canada! Welcome, Alannah!
May 2017
The paper on quantum criticality in Ti1-xScxAu has just been accepted in Physical Review B (Rapid Communication)!
​April 2017
Congratulations to Emilia for receiving the Charles W. Duncan Achievement Award for Outstanding Faculty!
April 2017
Our review paper on itinerant magnetism has been accepted.
October 2016
Welcome to the newest graduate student in our group, Kyle! We are happy to have you!
September 2016
Our paper on spin re-orientation in Yb14MnSb11 was accepted by JACS.
​August 2016
Welcome to Dr. Chien-Lung Huang, the new research scientist in our group!
July 2016
Our paper on hardness on biocompatible β-Ti3Au was published! Read the press release here.
July 2016​
Congratulations to Dr. Chih-Wei Chen for successfully defending his PhD thesis!
May 2016​
Binod was awarded the Dunlap Fellowship for excellence in scholarship and resaerch in physics. Great job, Binod!
May 2016
Binod, Macy, and Emilia attended CIFAR Quantum Materials summer school and main meeting in Toronto
April 2016​
Congratulations to Jesse for successfully defending his Master's thesis!
March 2016​
Congratulations to Haihao! He was selected as a participant in the 2016 Nakatani RIES Fellowship program and will spend the summer at a Japanese university.​
March 2016
Emilia, Chih-Wei, Binod, and Jessica attended the APS March Meeting in Baltimore ​
February 2016
Congratulations to Jessica for successfully defending her Master's thesis!
November 2015
Macy is our youngest graduate student (we got a chemist in our ranks). Welcome, Macy!
​September 2015
Emilia joins the Department Electrical and Chemical Engineering at Rice.
July 2015
Our paper on TiAu has finally appeared in Nature Communications! Here is the Rice press release and other stories that picked it up.
June 2015
Look what the tropical storm Bill brought us: Emily Maxwell (Denison University) is here for the summer REU program! Emily will be sorting out the "chocolate chip cookie versus brownie" problem in Fe0.33(Ta1-xNbx)S2.
June 2015
Welcome Ralph Cox, RET high school teacher! Ralph is working on showing the relevance of single crystals (versus polycrystals) in the studies of magnetic metals.
June 2015
Congratulations to Binod and his wife for welcoming their son!
May 2015
Congratulations to Emilia for being promoted to Professor!
May 2015
Welcome to the newest graduate student, Jesse Choe (transfer from ECE)!
May 2015
Our Nature Communications paper on TiAu has been accepted!
April 2015
Congratulations to Ajay for being selected for the NanoJapan Program for this summer, and to Brian for his REU fellowship at Colorado State!
April 2015
We published our first Phys. Rev. X paper, on quantum criticality and non-Fermi liquid behavior in doped Sc3.1In!
February 2015
Chih-Wei and Will’s paper on large magnetoresistance is now published in Phys. Rev. B!
January 2015
We are rich with Rice undergrads. David, Elena, Brian, Jean-Luke, Ajay and Ali joined the lab.
December 2014
Binod successfully defended his masters thesis.
December 2014
Emilia attended the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Kavli Japanese-American Frontiers of Science in Tokyo, Japan
December 2014
The new Rice Center for Quantum Materials (RCQM) was launched with a very stimulating symposium.
October 2014
Justin successfully defended his MSc on his recent paper on Pt doping and Se deficiency in TiSe2! Congratulations, Justin, and good luck in your new group!
September 2014
Graduate student Jessica Santiago joined the group. Welcome, Jessica!
August 2014
Emilia joins the new Department of Materials Science and Nanoengineering at Rice.
August 2014
Congratulations to Emilia for being named a Betty and Gordon Moore Foundation EPiQS Investigator! Read more here.
June 2014
Undergraduate student James Lee joined the group. Welcome!
April 2014
Emilia was elected as a member-at-large of the American Physical Society DMP Executive Committee
March 2014
Jiakui’s paper on the “3442” compounds is finally published in Phys Rev. B.
November 2013
Emilia presented a lecture in the Rice Science Café series. Kids old and young enjoyed playing with crystals, magnets, superconductors, and freezing their (parents') dinner in liquid Nitrogen.
October 2013
Andrea’s paper on the topological metal GeBi2Te4 is now published.
October 2013
Emilia was one of the speakers in the Scientia lecture series.
September 2013
Eteri’s paper on the interplay between local and itinerant moment is now published in Phys. Rev B.
August 2013
Justin attends the Cargese (Corsica, France) summer school on Superconductivity –Theory, Experiments, and Phenomena - STEP 2013
March 2013
Congratulations to Emilia for being promoted to Associated Prof with tenure!
January 2013
Jiakui and Andrea attended the Winter School on Superconductivity in Hong Kong. Emilia joined them for the following International Workshop on Superconductivity.
January 2013
A new paper is out: Liang’s Phys. Rev. B paper on the checkerboard Mott insulator Sr2F2Fe2OS2.
December 2012
Emilia attended the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Kavli Japanese-American Frontiers of Science in Irvine, CA
December 2012
Check out the review article from Rice on Strongly Correlated Materials!
September 2012
Binod Rai is the newest graduate student to join the Morosan group. Welcome, Binod!
June 2012
Our group has just welcomed two Rice freshman, Stephanie Padley and Jamie Stone. Welcome!
May 2012
Emilia’s most recent “publication” was born: welcome to Norah, and congratulations!
May 2012
We were awarded the Welch foundation grant!
April 2012
Welcome to our newest quantum materials enthusiasts Matthew Kindy and Chris Georgen (freshmen).
November 2011
A new graduate student, Justin Chen, joins the group. Welcome, Justin!
September 2011
We welcome Vlad Ghita (Rice freshman) to the group.
September 2011
Dr. Andrea Marcinkova joins the group as a postdoctoral associate. Welcome!
September 2011
Liang’s paper on doping and pressure in CaFe4As3 is published.
August 2011
Jiakui and Liang’s paper on SrMnBi2 is accepted.
June 2011
We welcome our summer interns: Kathy Celestine (RET summer teacher), Douglas Bollinger, Hikaru Iwata, Keisuke Takamizawa (Nano-Japan summer students) and Jose Tusell (REU summer student).
May 2011
Morosan lab welcomes Chan group from Chemistry at LSU for the first meeting as part of the “Student Expertise Exchange” program
May 2011
Congratulations to Eteri for the Physics and Astronomy Eric Umland award for contributions to the quality of graduate student life in the Physics department.
February 2011
We moved to our new home in Brockman Hall. Take a lab tour!
September 2010
Our very own Century Scholar Joshua Yip joins the group. Welcome, Josh!
September 2010
Congratulations to Emilia for wining the prestigious Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). Read about it here.
August 2010
Emilia receives a joint appointment in the Chemistry Department at Rice University.
August 2010
Mark wins RQI Best Poster Award at the RQI symposium. Well done, Mark!
June 2010
Welcome to our summer interns Dr. Rhett Woo and Alvenia Chambliss (RET teachers), Mark Hendricks and Alex Eukel (undergraduate students), and Stephanie Rosales (high school student).
May 2010
Congratulations, Vishwa! Vishwa gets her Master of Science in Nanoscale Physics.
March 2010
Graduate student Jiakui Wang joins the group. Welcome, Jiakui!
March 2010
Emilia’s paper on Palladium intercalated TiSe2 is published.
January 2010
Emilia becomes a mom. Congratulations to Emilia and her husband, and welcome, Tyler Anderson!
December 2009
Graduate student Eteri Svanidze joins the group. Welcome, Eteri!
October 2009
Welcome to Vishwa Nellore, who joins the group as a Master graduate student.
July 2009
Liang attends summer school in Santa Barbara
July 2009
Liang’s first paper is published.
May 2009
Emilia organized and participated in the International Workshop on the Search for New Superconductors in Kanagawa, Japan
May 2009
Congratulations to Liang for winning the Physics and Astronomy Chuoke Award who recognizes a second or third year student showing great promise in physics.
May 2009
Emilia wins the NSF CAREER award. Congratulations! Read Rice Press release here.
April 2009
MURI funding awarded for search for new superconductors. Read about it here.
May 2008
Emilia wins ORAU 2008 Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award in Physical Sciences.
November 2007
Welcome to Liang Zhao and Tom Sanders, first graduate students.
July 2007
Emilia joins Rice University, Department of Physics and Astronomy.